How to Change Open Graph Image

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Open Graph (OG) or in a sample words Thumbnail Preview for your social network ( Facebook ) posts, this option will works for other social networks like Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn, Noor has a right-sized thumbnail/image when shared on Facebook is very crucial as it means a possibly higher CTR.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Whenever you need to test a thumbnail preview for facebook I always use the Facebook Open Graph Debugger Tool.

Changing Open Graph Image In Noor WordPress Theme

In customizing navigate to Advanced Settings > Social Graph & SEO > Upload Opengraph Image and upload your website image

 Open-Graph image will work as a default OG image for all pages and posts that don’t have a featured image, so if you are using a featured image on your posts or pages it will overwrite the customizer option

The solution to the Facebook Open Graph Debugger Tool Cache Not Clearing:

Facebook automatically clears the cache every 24 hours: Actually, Facebook scrapes the pages and updates the cache every 24 hours.

Solution 1

The solution is to actually change the file name of your thumbnail (Open Graph image).

Solution 2

  1. Go to
  2. Enter the URL following by fbrefresh=CAN_BE_ANYTHING
  3. OR visit:

Solution 3

Waite 24 hours maybe it would have resolved itself.