Navbar Typography

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Navbar Typography

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Manage your Navbar Typography with ease with the updated options in customizing Options. Continue reading below to know more about the typography options for the Navbar.

IMPORTANT NOTE: To be able to change the font family you must activate “Custom Fonts” on  Appearance > Customize > header > Typography > General Typography

Navbar Typography Options

Navigate to the Appearance > Customize > header > Typography > Navbar to access the navbar typography options.

1- Font Style – This option allows you to select a font style to use.
2- Font Family – This option allows you to select a font family to be used.
3- Font Variants – This option allows you to select a font weight and style you want to include.

Tip: Choosing a lot of Variant sets may make your pages slow to load.

4- Font Weight – This option allows you to select a font weight and style to use.
5- Font Size – This option allows you to set the size of the text on display.
6-  Letter Spacing – This option allows you to set the spacing between letters.

IMPORTANT NOTE: To change Font Subsets navigate to the Appearance > Customize > header > Typography > General Typography