Why to use the Child Theme?

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Modifying theme files is sometimes a must-do process and this always comes with a price: new theme update will replace all files you have changed ????

Regarding this aspect, WordPress came up with the concept of parent and child themes where a child theme inherits all features of parent theme plus overwrites existing templates that parent theme uses in the order you do not lose your changes after theme update.

Either using parent theme or child theme, it will not change anything on the back-end, you still have the same options and functionality, child theme mostly affects look and feel of your site.

Installing child theme is preferred and we encourage you to do that even if you don’t have to make any changes inside theme files, its simply the same as having parent theme activated but you always have an option to modify or add extra functionality to the theme in the future without having to worry about new theme updates.

Noor is developed on that scale that all template files can be overwritten, this means that any template file inside Noor folder can be moved in your child theme and edited. Further, you can also edit shop templates located inside Noor/woocommerce/ folder and AMP templates located inside Noor/amp_templates/ folder, Easy digital Download located on Noor/edd_templates/, The Events Calendar templates located inside Noor/tribe-events/ and the same with bbpress templates located into Noor/bbpress.


Here are main reasons why you should install the child theme:

  • Safe updates, your changes will not be affected
  • Extend functionality
  • Edit template files


Note: Menus and Widgets will not be deleted, however, you have to re-assign them from Appearances section, because WordPress handles them.