
Manual Demo Import

if you cannot get the demo content to import, you can then import elements manually. this tutorial shows how to manually import demo content. Check The Following Plugins Before Import DIMA Shortcodes: This plugin is required to run OKAB. It provides all the shortcodes used in OKAB.Slider Revolution: Create responsive sliders with must-see-effects, all while maintaining your...

Install Okab extensions

Okab theme proved a plugin that created by PixelDima team and third party developed. PixelDima developed Extensions are plugins developed built to be used seamlessly with OKAB. DIMA Shortcodes : This plugin is required to run OKAB. It provides an all the shortcodes used in OKAB. DIMA Portfolio : Add Portfolio posts to your existing site in minutes. Google...

Import All Demo Content

Note : It is very important to note that while the importer will not overwrite or alter any of your posts, pages, or portfolio items, your Customizer settings will be altered upon setting up a demo (this is necessary so that we can setup your installation similar to the demo). If you already have...

Plugin Installation

OKAB includes 3 plugins that will need to be installed and activated: DIMA-Shortcode,Visual Composer, Revolution Slider. Only the DIMA-Shortcode plugin is required for the theme to work, it contains all of our theme features like shortcodes and shortcode generator, portfolio. When you install OKAB, you will get a notification message in your WordPress admin...

Okab Changelog

Okab is constantly being updated with new features, bug fixes, and adjustments. We recommend you read the changelog for every update release. Also please consider deactivating caching plugins temporarily to avoid the caching of old markup when you update the theme. Here you can see complete changelog information. Version 5.9.15 - Oct 29, 2022 Improved old JS file. Improved CSS minimize. Version...

Installing Okab via WordPress

You can install the theme in two ways: through WordPress or via FTP. Before you can install Okab, you need to download the necessary theme files from your ThemeForest account. Downloading Okab Theme Files From ThemeForest If you already downloaded the theme after you first purchased it, you may have a file called something like ““. If...